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MMOA (Modern Management of the Older Adult) helps rehab & fitness pros get results with older adults. Brought to you by the Institute of Clinical Excellence, tune in to hear pertinent geriatric discussions, relevant research, & treatment ideas. Good for Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Assistants, Students, New Grads, Seasoned Veterans, Geriatricians, & Fitness Professionals. Find out more at

Aug 10, 2020

The 2 Minute Step Test (TMST) with Nicole Nexon & Tali Speizman

We in the PT community continue to need to be adaptive to current events - and we need to continue to provide high quality, evidence based care.

While we can all agree that the 6 minute walk test is highly useful for determining exercise capacity, shortage of space is an issue in inpatient AND outpatient settings.

If you're feeling that crunch for space because of social distancing in the clinic or in room isolation precautions, this episode has got you covered.



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